Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Nataliast

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Разница между героями видна в их поведении в поместье Кирсановых. Базаров занимается работой, изучением природы, а Аркадий бездельничает. Базаров — враг отвлеченной науки, оторванной от жизни. Он за науку, которая была бы понятна народу. Базаров — труженик науки, он неутомим в своих экспериментах, всецело поглощен любимой профессией. Аркадий — совсем другой, мы чувствуем, что этот человек какой-то вялый, слабый, ограниченный.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Аккаунт удален
    The difference between the characters visible in their behavior on the estate Kirsanovs. Bazarov engaged in the work, the study of nature, and Arkady idle. Bazarov - the enemy abstract science, detached from life. He is for science, which would be understandable for the people. Bazarov - worker of science, he is tireless in his experiments, completely absorbed in his beloved profession. Arkady - quite different, we feel that this man some slack, weak, limited.
  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан elizabeth777777799
    The difference between the characters visible in their behavior on the estate Kirsanovs. Bazarov engaged in the work, the study of nature, and Arkady idle. Bazarov - the enemy abstract science, detached from life. He is for science, which would be understandable for the people. Bazarov - worker of science, he is tireless in his experiments, completely absorbed in his beloved profession. Arkady - quite different, we feel that this man some slack, weak, limited.
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