Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от ghost23et

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I am personally very interested in a career working with children. My parents think I am a caring person with good communication skills. Since my childhood I have wanted to be either a nursery school or primary school teacher. These careers require further study after Year 11. So I am taking A levels in English, drama and IT* at college. I also take part in the college events —this is something pos-itive that I can write in my CV together with my work experience. I helped in both a nursery and a primary school. I thought it would allow me to develop both my key skills and my personal qualities. I asked the people who I worked with what qualifications they had done. They talked to me about the good

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Анастасия188800
    в общем, ищи сайт гитем.ру ( на английском ), там выбираешь английский язык, 9 класс, и уже разберешься 

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