Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от антон20061302

Описать настольную игру "Мафия" на английском языке (кол-во игроков, цель игры и т.п.) 10 предложений СРОЧНО!!!

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан dar99939
    The game has two phases. The first is a night, when the Mafia do secret “murder". The second phase is a "day” when Innocents vote to eliminate a one "Mafiosi". The “days” are usually longer than the “nights” because of discussions and voting. The game ends when all the Mafia members are killed or there are more Mafia members than Innocents. The minimum number of players to play is seven (5 Innocents against 2 Mafia). Besides you should have one independent player - lead. He tells the players to open their eyes and then announces who “died” the previous night. The basic version works best with between twelve players. Best of all is sitting in a circle around a table.
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