Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от maksimkaeliseev2018

2. Choose the word that best completes the sentences from the list below (Выберите подходящее слово из списка и вставьте его в предложение):
accommodation, abroad, visit, arrives, journey, in advance, hotel
1. It’s always more convenient to book tickets … 2. London Tourist Board is here to help you enjoy your … to London. 3. We can provide … in a wide range of price categories in over 900 hundred hotels and guest houses of Berlin. 4. Will you tell me about the facilities offered by your … ? 5. Good-bye! I wish you a pleasant … . 6. She was as excited as a child about her first trip … , and spent the next days buying clothes. 7. It … at 11.00 but it may be a little late because the weather forecast is bad.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан andreikaharitonow220

    1- in advance

    2- arrives

    3- accommodation

    4- hotel

    5- journey

    6- abroad

    7- visit

    Вроде так.

  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан Juliyasha11


    1 in advance

    2 visit

    3 accommodation

    4 hotel

    5 journey

    6 abroad

    7 arrives

  3. Ответ
    Ответ дан doctor76493


    1)in advance







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