The united Kingdom consists of a group of islands off the northwest coast of europe. It is a country made up of four nations : England, Wales , and scotland also make up Great Britain. Much of the north and west of the U.K. is covered in mountains with deep valleys. In the south of England, the countryside is hilly.
Sports and literature are very popular in the United kingdom. Soccer, rugby , cricket boxing and golf were all invented in Britain. The U.K. has many great writers ,including Wiliam Shakespeare charles Dickens, and Robert Burns. J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books,is British.
Britain's system of government has developed over many centuries . In the past, kings ruled with advice from a council of religious leaders and nobles. This council then became Parliament,witch now passes all the country's laws. today,the monarch, who can be a king or queen, has no real power.
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