Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от 06052005zx

помогите, пожалуйста, решить кроссворд по английскому
Ленусик Профи (731), Вопрос решён 6 лет назад
1) There is a short ...between the first and second lessons.
2) Students ...English poems by heart.
3) My little sister likes to ...silly questions.
4) Jim can ...from 1 to 10.
5) They flied a ...last Sunday.
6) There are five textbooks and seven workbooks in my ...
7) "Will you ...the window, please," said the teacher.
8) I like to ...teacher's questions in the English lesson.
9) My friend will ...this text tomorrow. He isn't ready today.
10) Students like to ...different problems in the lesson.

первые буквы в названии слов образуют новое слово

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан igorveklen
    1) break
    2) learn
    3) ask
    4) count
    5) kite
    6) backpack
    7) open
    8) answer
    9) read
    10) do
    получается blackboard
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