Правильно ли я написала?? Плизз напишите ваши идеи к тексту)) Заранее спасибо! Summer in Sochi hot. The weather is always above zero. Precipitation almost never. Clothing light as shorts, top, t-shirts, dresses, slippers. You can play beach volleyball or just swim and have fun. In autumn the weather is cool and warm. Sometimes it rains. It is necessary to dress warmer - jacket, pants, sweater, skirt, shoes, sneakers, hat. In dry weather, you can go to the cat rolekovyh skating or a picnic, you can go mushroom picking and fishing. In December, the weather is warm, Sochi almost no snow, and when it falls, it quickly melts and turns into dirt. in January Sea cools down to +9 ° C, but to the services of tourists are an outdoor heated swimming pools hotels. you can go to a ski resort to ski. Spring weather is rainy and warm. You can see the sights of the city of Sochi. Clothes pretty easy - a light jacket, sneakers, T-shirt and jeans. Enjoy your vacation! Правильно ли я написала?? Плизз напишите ваши идеи к тексту)) Заранее спасибо!
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